Saturday July 9, 2022 to

[Webinar HDE] Infundibular Caries – Dr. Leena Karma


Address in the description of the event

[Webinar HDE] Infundibular Caries - Dr Leena Karma

Horse Dental Equipment is delighted to invite you to our webinar presented by Dr. Leena Karma.

Infundibular Caries

This webinar will be translated simultaneously into Spanish and French. Choose your preferred language at the launch of the webinar!

📅 Saturday, 9th July, 2022

🕔 5 PM – London, United-Kingdom (GMT +1)
🕕 6 PM – Paris, France (GMT +2)
🕖 7 PM – Helsinki, Finland (GMT +3)
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Infundibular caries is very common in horses and thus plays an important role in everyday equine veterinary dental practice. This lecture will give you an overview about infundibular anatomy, pathofysiology and treatment options.

The number of registrations is limited, register today if you want to be sure to participate!
You can forward this invitation to colleagues and friends interested in equine dentistry.

Register now for 19€!


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Horse Dental Equipment

ZI de Bellevue – 14 rue Blaise Pascal
35220 Châteaubourg

+33 299 007 129