Horse Dental Equipment is delighted to invite you to our webinar presented by Dr. Kirsten Jackson.
📅 Saturday, 13th November, 2021
🕑 2 PM – London, England (GMT +1)
🕒 3 PM – Paris, France (GMT +2)
🕙 10 PM – Perth, Australia (GMT +8)
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Book your space for 19€ (31AU$)
60-minute lecture and 20-minute Q&A
Equine peripheral caries can cause significant morbidity and can lead to severe dental pathology in advanced cases.
This lecture will look at the pathophysiology of dental caries – how and why they form and what is going on at a gross pathological, histological and chemical level – as well as grading, association with other dental pathology, risk factors and management.
Les participants au webinar recevront un attendance certificate. If you’re not able to attend the live webinar, you will receive the link of the recording 7 days later to watch it on-demand.
Le nombre d'inscriptions est limité. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui si vous voulez être sûr de participer.
This webinar is exclusively for veterinarians (graduates or students).
N'hésitez pas à partager l'invitation à vos collègues intéressés par la dentisterie équine !
Register now for the webinar!