mardi novembre 22, 2022 to

VetPD Panel Discussion – Dental Radiography – Indications, Findings & Interpretation

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VetPD Panel Discussion - Dental Radiography - Indications, Findings & Interpretation

Panel Discussion Description:

Dental radiography, although complex, is an essential diagnostic tool in the work-up of equine dental cases. With good radiographic technique and careful interpretation, dental radiographs can be diagnostic for most equine dental problems, including incisor, cheek teeth and sinus conditions.  An international panel of world-renowned equine dentistry specialists will discuss case selection for dental radiography and radiographic interpretation in light of the remainder of the work-up. A good mix of of common and interesting cases examples will be used to discuss all aspect of dental radiography and when more advanced imaging modalities should be considered.

* Participants are encouraged to send in questions to prior to the panel discussion. There will also be the opportunity to raise questions during the discussion.

Moderator: Nicole DuToit  BVSc, MSc, CertEP, PhD, DEVDC(Equine), DAVDC(Equine), MRCVS –
The Equine Dental Clinic, UK


  • Leah Limone  DVM, DAVDC(Equine) – Northeast Equine Veterinary Dental Services, USA
  • Sam Hole   BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertAVP(EP), CertAVP(ED), DEVDC (Equine), BAEDT, MRCVS – Pool House Veterinary Hospital, UK
  • Ed Earley   DVM, DAVDC(Equine)  – Cornell University, USA

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