vendredi décembre 12, 2025 to

VetPD Course – Equine Oral Dental Extraction Techniques

Pferdeklinik Seeburg

Engelsfelde 1A, 14624 Dallgow-Döberitz, Germany

VetPD Course Novembre 2025 - Allemagne


Oral extraction techniques have been shown to cause much fewer post-interventional complications in horses compared to surgical extraction techniques.  Performing oral dental extractions should however not be taken lightly as complications like dental fractures, retained root tips, collateral damage etc. can easily occur and require in-depth anatomical knowledge, good technical skills and clinical versatility to resolve.  This 2-day highly practical boutique course (max. 24 attendees) is aimed at practitioners with a good working knowledge in equine dentistry who want to learn about various oral dental extraction techniques, how to apply them clinically and managing arising complications.  The panel of internationally renowned specialists will be sharing technical tips and tricks and pearls of wisdom that they have accumulated over the many years of working in equine dental practice.

Between both afternoons the 8 hours of practical sessions will provide an intimate environment for attendees to develop their practical skills on equine specimens in true small groups (2-3 vets per specimen) at the following stations:

  • Oral Endoscopy & Examination
  • Diagnostic Imaging – Radiographic Techniques etc.
  • Local Anaesthetic Techniques (incl. TMJ)
  • Advanced Incisor & Canine Extractions
  • Oral Extraction Techniques for Cheek Teeth I
  • Oral Extraction Techniques for Cheek Teeth II

The course fee includes lunches, coffee/tea breaks, extensive course notes and a certificate of attendance. Attendees can choose to only attend the lectures (= Lectures Only) on this course or can register for the entire course (= Lectures & Practical Sessions).  On the evening of the first day all attendees are invited to attend the wine and cheese reception. Early course registration via the VetPD website is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available.

This course is suitable for RCVS Modules:          B-EP.3;  C-E.1;  C-E.2;  C-E.5; C-E.12;  C-E.13;  C-E.14;  C-E.15;   C-EP.16


• Rob Pascoe (UK) – BVSc, F/NCED, Dipl.AVDC(Eq), FRCVS
• Elke Pollaris (Belgium) – MSc, PhD, Dipl.EVDC(Eq)

💸 Use HDE’s voucher code while registering and get a 20% discount (number of discount spaces limited): 20HDE596

You can register on VetPD’s website following this link ⬇️


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Horse Dental Equipment

ZI de Bellevue – 14 rue Blaise Pascal
35 220 Châteaubourg

+33 299 007 129