Horse Dental Equipment is delighted to invite you to our webinar presented by Dr. Michael Nowak & Dr. Tomas Sterkenburgh.
Discovered by Means of Intraoral Endoscopy – Explained by Means of Biomechanics
Langue : Anglais
📅 Saturday, 17th June, 2023
🕔 17:00 - Londres, Royaume-Uni (GMT +1)
🕕 18:00 - Paris, France (GMT +2)
🕕 7PM – Helsinki, Finland (GMT +3)
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Intraoral endoscopy allows detailed information about the horse’s masticatory apparatus to be recorded with the mouth open as well as closed. In doing so, the improvement in diagnostics raises new questions. We look at occlusal surface structure, inter-arcade spacing as well as lateral excursion to separation (LETS) and approach the issue of diagonal malocclusion (DIM). We combine diagnostics with biomechanical observations, simulations, and experiments. In the process, we may uncover some astonishing findings.
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