Extraction Techniques for Equine Teeth focuses on treatment planning and techniques to extract premolar and molar teeth. The online learning portion of the course covers dental applied anatomy, maximizing oral exam and imagining findings to develop and hone a treatment plan, and equipment and techniques to extract teeth. Extraction techniques will include intraoral standard extraction manipulations in addition to fragment retrieval, coronectomy, and tooth sectioning. The goal of this course is to help veterinarians develop the skills and confidence to tackle more challenging dental pathology and extraction.
Course Purpose
Goals for this meeting will be to provide equine veterinarians instruction and education in the following topics:
- Comprehensive treatment planning with preparation for extractions via review of oral exam andradiographs
- “Simple” intraoral extraction technique and fragment removal
- Coronectomy, tooth sectioning, and odontoplasty to aid extraction
The overall goal of this meeting is for private practitioners to leave feeling more comfortable and prepared to tackle extraction of equine premolar and molar teeth.
RACE Approved: 24.0 Hours
Course Pre-Requisites: We strongly recommend taking Equine Dental Diagnostics Upgrade as oroscope and radiograph acquisition/interpretation skills are required.
The Equine Dental Diagnostics Upgrade courses offered in October 2021 will satisfy the prerequisite.
Participants will be provided with 8 hours of online lectures. Participants must review the material prior to the course, and they will be required to take quizzes after each topic vignette. By reviewing material and taking the quizzes, the participants will earn 8 hours of CE credit prior to arrival at the conference site. Participants will be sent a link to that material in early August.
The online course will be available after October 15, 2020. To access the material, log into csuvetce.com and click on menu and “courses” to view your courses.
Les propriétaires des chevaux sont de plus en plus conscients de l’importance du suivi dentaire régulier afin de garantir le bien-être de leurs chevaux. Les pathologies dentaires sont relativement fréquentes, et un grand nombre d’interventions thérapeutiques peuvent être faites par le praticien formé sur le terrain sous sédation et analgésie loco-régionale.
Objectifs du cours :
A l’issue de la formation, l’apprenant sera capable de :
• Extraire des Incisives, canines et molaires
• Réaliser et interpréter les radiographies des dents et sinus
• Reconnaître des maladies parodontales et formuler un plan de traitement
• Réaliser une trépanation des sinus
• Réaliser un cerclage pour une fracture des insicives
Contenu :
• Techniques d’anesthésie locale et locorégionale de la tête
• Examen radiologique de la tête, sinus et dents
• Indications, instruments et techniques pour l’extraction des incisives, canines et molaires
• Indications et techniques de trépanation des sinus et sinuscopie
• Diagnostic et traitement des Maladies parodontales et diastema
• Diagnostic et traitement des caries infundibulaires
• Diagnostic et traitement des fractures des incisives
Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations.