vendredi avril 22, 2022 to

Equine Oral Dental Extraction Techniques

Pferdeklinik Salzhofen

Salzhofen 3 Bretten 75015, Germany

Extraction course VetPD

Oral extraction techniques have been shown to cause much fewer post-interventional complications in horses compared to surgical extraction techniques.  Performing oral dental extractions should however not be taken lightly as complications like dental fractures, retained root tips, collateral damage etc. can easily occur and require in-depth anatomical knowledge, good technical skills and clinical versatility to resolve.  This highly practical boutique course (max. 24 attendees) is aimed at practitioners with a good working knowledge in equine dentistry who want to learn about various oral dental extraction techniques, how to apply them clinically and managing arising complications.

To participate in the On-Location Portion, attendees are required to have worked through the  corresponding online Lecture Series ‘Equine Oral Dental Extraction Techniques:

  • If you have already purchased the Lecture Series independently of the On-Location Portion, please contact the office on for a voucher code to reduce the price accordingly.

The panel of internationally renowned specialists will be sharing technical tips and tricks and pearls of wisdom that they have accumulated over the many years of working in equine dental practice.


  • Scott Marx: Review of Equine Dental Anatomy – 40 min
  • Scott Marx: Extraction Planning based on Clinical & Imaging Findings – 30 min
  • Scott Marx: Sedative Protocols & Local Anaesthetic Techniques – 50 min
  • Rob Pascoe: Oral Endiscopy & Examination – Techniques & Equipment – 50 min
  • Rob Pascoe: Diagnostic Imaging – Radiographic Techniques – 40 min
  • Rob Pascoe: Diagnostic Imaging – Advanced Modalities – 30 min
  • Rob Pascoe: Indications & Treatment Planning for Cheek Tooth Extractions – 40 min
  • Hubert Simhofer: Indications & Treatment Planning for Incisor/Canine Extractions – 30 min
  • Hubert Simhofer: Incisor, Canine & Wolf Tooth Extraction Techniques – 30 min
  • Hubert Simhofer: Cheek Tooth Oral Extraction Techniques – 50 min
  • Cleet Griffin: Surgical Cheek Tooth Extraction Techniques – An Overview – 40 min
  • Cleet Griffin: Extraction Complications & Management – 30 min

Day 1 starts at 15:00h with 3 hours of interactive Case-DiscussionsQ&A which will give attendees the unique opportunity to apply what they have learned during Lecture Series in discussion with the world-renowned specialists.  This will then be followed by the obligatory Wine & Cheese Reception allowing for attendees to socialise with colleagues and the speakers/instructors.

On the second day, 7 hours of practical sessions will provide an intimate environment for attendees to develop their practical skills on equine specimens in true small groups (2-3 vets per specimen; attendee-to-instructor ratio of 5-8/1) at the following stations:

  • Oral Endoscopy & Examination
  • Diagnostic Imaging – Radiographic Techniques etc.
  • Local Anesthetic Techniques (incl. TMJ)
  • Advanced Incisor & Canine Extractions
  • Oral Extraction Techniques for Cheek Teeth I
  • Oral Extraction Techniques for Cheek Teeth II

The course fee includes, coffee/tea breaks, a wine & cheese reception, lunch and a certificate of attendance. To participate in the On-Location Case-Discussions & Practical Sessions, attendees are required to have first worked through the Lecture Series (included in the price).  Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available due to the highly practical nature of this course.

This course is suitable for RCVS Modules:                     B-EP.3;  C-E.1;  C-E.2;  C-E.5; C-E.12;  C-E.13;  C-E.14;  -E.15;   C-EP.16

Les propriétaires des chevaux sont de plus en plus conscients de l’importance du suivi dentaire régulier afin de garantir le bien-être de leurs chevaux. Les pathologies dentaires sont relativement fréquentes, et un grand nombre d’interventions thérapeutiques peuvent être faites par le praticien formé sur le terrain sous sédation et analgésie loco-régionale.

Objectifs du cours :

A l’issue de la formation, l’apprenant sera capable de :
• Extraire des Incisives, canines et molaires
• Réaliser et interpréter les radiographies des dents et sinus
• Reconnaître des maladies parodontales et formuler un plan de traitement
• Réaliser une trépanation des sinus
• Réaliser un cerclage pour une fracture des insicives

Contenu :

• Techniques d’anesthésie locale et locorégionale de la tête
• Examen radiologique de la tête, sinus et dents
• Indications, instruments et techniques pour l’extraction des incisives, canines et molaires
• Indications et techniques de trépanation des sinus et sinuscopie
• Diagnostic et traitement des Maladies parodontales et diastema
• Diagnostic et traitement des caries infundibulaires
• Diagnostic et traitement des fractures des incisives

Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations.


Découvrir le calendrier des événements

Nous suivre
Horse Dental Equipment

ZI de Bellevue – 14 rue Blaise Pascal
35 220 Châteaubourg

+33 299 007 129