Over the past 20 years huge advances have been made in equine dentistry and new sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques aiming at dental disease prevention and dental sparing have been published. This highly practical course is aimed at practitioners with a working knowledge in equine dentistry who want to deepen their understanding and especially their practical skills on diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
To participate in the On-Location Portion, attendees are required to have first taken part in the corresponding online Lecture Series ‘Beyond Basics: Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques in Equine Dentistry‘:
- If you have not yet purchased the corresponding Lecture Series associated with the On-Location Portion, please purchase the Lecture Series as an ‘Extra’ during the registration process at a 10% discount.
- If you have already purchased the Lecture Series independently of the On-Location Portion, please proceed to register without adding the Lecture Series as an ‘Extra’ during the registration process.
The online Lecture Series addresses the following hot topics via well-illustrated, case-discussions providing a platform for the panel of speakers to share pitfalls, erroneous clinical conclusions and useful tips and tricks:
- Review of Equine Dental Anatomy
- Oral Examination Techniques
- Dental Radiography
- Motorized & Manual Rasping
- Diagnosis & Management of Periodontal Disease
- Maintaining Occlusal Surfaces – Incisors & Cheek Teeth
- Pain Management in Dentistry
- Malocclusions – Diagnostic & Therapeutic Options
- Specific Dentistry in the Juvenile & Geriatric Horse
- Identifying & Managing Fractured Teeth
- Oral Dental Extractions – Decision Making & Techniques
- Dealing with Infundibular & Peripheral Caries
Day 1 starts at 15:00h with 3 hours of interactive Case-Discussions, Q&A which will give attendees the unique opportunity to apply what they have learned during Lecture Series in discussion with the world-renowned specialists. This will then be followed by the obligatory Wine & Cheese Reception allowing for attendees to socialise with colleagues and the speakers/instructors.
On the second day, 7 hours of practical sessions will provide an intimate environment for attendees to develop their practical skills on equine specimens in true small groups (2-3 vets per specimen) at the following stations:
- Oral Imaging – Radiographic Techniques
- Use of Motorized Equipment
- Periodontal Treatment Techniques
- Local Anesthetic Techniques (incl. TMJ)
- Occlusal Restoration Techniques
- Oral Dental Extraction Techniques
The course fee includes coffee/tea breaks, a wine & cheese reception, lunch and a certificate of attendance. To participate in the On-Location Case-Discussions & Practical Sessions, attendees are required to have first taken part in the Lecture Series (purchased as an ‘Extra’ when registering for the On-Location Case-Discussions & Practical Sessions). Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available due to the highly practical nature of this course.
Les propriétaires des chevaux sont de plus en plus conscients de l’importance du suivi dentaire régulier afin de garantir le bien-être de leurs chevaux. Les pathologies dentaires sont relativement fréquentes, et un grand nombre d’interventions thérapeutiques peuvent être faites par le praticien formé sur le terrain sous sédation et analgésie loco-régionale.
Objectifs du cours :
A l’issue de la formation, l’apprenant sera capable de :
• Extraire des Incisives, canines et molaires
• Réaliser et interpréter les radiographies des dents et sinus
• Reconnaître des maladies parodontales et formuler un plan de traitement
• Réaliser une trépanation des sinus
• Réaliser un cerclage pour une fracture des insicives
Contenu :
• Techniques d’anesthésie locale et locorégionale de la tête
• Examen radiologique de la tête, sinus et dents
• Indications, instruments et techniques pour l’extraction des incisives, canines et molaires
• Indications et techniques de trépanation des sinus et sinuscopie
• Diagnostic et traitement des Maladies parodontales et diastema
• Diagnostic et traitement des caries infundibulaires
• Diagnostic et traitement des fractures des incisives
Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations.