“Why is it still quidding?” – A practical evidence-based guide to treatment of frustrating diastemata cases.
The Dick Vet Equine Hospital would like to invite referring vets to a complementary CPD evening. This session is aimed at those with a grasp of the fundamentals of equine dentistry and an interest in developing or refreshing their skills in tackling diastemata and periodontal disease. Ideal for practitioners looking to advance their practical dentistry skills. There will be plenty of opportunity for development of practical treatment techniques during the wet-lab and time for case discussion throughout the evening. We do hope you can join us.
- Dr. Rebekah Storm Kennedy BVMS (Hons), PhD, Cert AVP, Dip EVDC (Equine), MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Equine Dentistry
- Mattie McMaster DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, DECVS, MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery
- Dr. Tiziana Liuti DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI, Pg. CAP, MRCVS, FHEA, Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging
- 4.20-4.30pm – Registration and welcome coffee
- 4.30 – 5.00pm – Review of anatomy and pathology of diastemata and periodontal disease
- 5.00 – 5.30pm – Evidence-based review of diastemata treatment
- 5.30 – 6.00pm – Dental Imaging Update
- 6.10 – 7.00pm – Dinner in ‘The View’
- 7.00 – 8.30pm – Practical diastemata treatment lab
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