Horse Dental Equipment is delighted to invite you to our webinar presented by Dr. Elke Pollaris.
Lesions Associated with the Bit
Idioma: Inglés
Traducción en vivo: Español
Este webinar será traducido simultáneamente al español. Elija su idioma preferido al principio del webinar.
📅 Saturday, 15th April, 2023
🕔 17:00 - Londres, Reino Unido (GMT +1)
🕕 18:00 - París, Francia (GMT +2)
🕕 18:00 - Madrid, España (GMT +2)
Comparar el tiempo en mi zona
A bit is a tool to communicate with the horse, but the choice of bit often remains a subjective opinion of the rider/ trainer/ … However, the “wrong” choice of bit, a bit that is ill-fitted or the misuse of a bit can lead to severe trauma in the mouth. During this session, an overview of the scientific literature about bits will be summarized, it will be shown where you need to look for bit-induced lesions and tips on how to evaluate the bit will be discussed.
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